Sunday, May 2, 2010

Are you interested in the FACT or the FICTION?


Are you interested in the FACT or the FICTION?

GREAT well here is the TRUTH about me!!

I am a mother of three children - 2 sons and 1 daughter.

I am a trained Primary School Teacher and I taught mostly 5 year old children for 11 years in Whakatane.

I then left teaching children and set up Case Boreham Associates (CBA), a Private Training Establishment (PTE) which I ran for 18 years and grew to 8 Branches throughout the North Island.

I trained Teacher Aides in my PTE. In 1990 there was only one other Institution training Teachers Aides and that was an extra-mural programme.

I developed an innovative education process that took people without School Certificate or NZCA Level 1 to University - NZCA Level 3 in 21 weeks and I achieved this standard consistently for 90 - 96% of my graduates with 90 - 100% student retention. I did this for 18 years!!!

When I started the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) did not exist - 18 years later they claimed that NZCA Level 3 was too hard for my students to attain in a 21 week period!!! What does that say about NZQA?

In 2000 I met :Shane-Charles: Wenzel. and engaged his coaching services to help me grow and thence my business - and grow I and it did from 3 Branches to 8.

In 2000 I took part in a weekend programme called MONEY & YOU - Shane and his partner was the Australasian promoter. Next I went to the MONEY & YOU Business School in Jakarta with Shane, his partner and about 10 other people from New Zealand. Whilst on the flight to Jakarta, I noticed a very distraught young woman. Shane was asked by a fellow traveller to talk to her and within 30 minutes this woman was happy and smiling and remained that way for the duration of our journey over 20 hours. I later found out she was South African and had been jilted by her New Zealand husband to be at the altar!

In 2001 my husband of 20+ years left after I found out he had been having an affair with my best friend of 18 years - it was Shane who sensed this affair and it was later proven to be true. My ex-husband and ex-best friend are now married.

For 20 years I had been suffering the debilitating disease know as Fibro Mialgia - incurable according to the Medical profession. I am cured thanks to Shane.

These three events had a profound impact on my life – I discovered that the world as I knew it was not TRUE.

1. My husband, who I held to be honourable!

2. That a sad person has to a choice to be happy once they see the TRUTH!

3. That I created my Fibro Mialgia by my habits and beliefs and once I acknowledged this and changed the disease went away!

So how I have ended up losing my PTE, being banned as a Director and being Bankrupt?

Well when you see the TRUTH, it’s like the light shining on your eyes in the darkness – either you wait and you will see or you cover your eyes and push the light away.

These three events made me see I had to CONFRONT - stay in the light and the more I did the more I came to see those who cannot face the light have things to hide.

Like my ex-husband and ex-best friend – they are considered of high standing in the community - a School Trustee, a leader of the Art Society BUT what does that say about their INTEGRITY? - The betrayal not just of me but her husband and the 5 children who were involved. YES we can say they weren’t happy in their marriages and JUSTIFY it – HOWEVER it is still a FACT they chose betrayal over CONFRONT.

Likewise I could have stayed a VICTUM and felt sorry for myself BUT I had to grow past that and CONFRONT my role in the marriage failure.

So the more I looked the more I saw – NZQA’s denial of my teaching methods – what was their AGENDA? NZQA told me to lower my standards! Like the message in ‘V for Vendetta’ I was not going to conform to their control through threats or fear.

The Education process – conformity versus individual achievement?

I had always said the responsibility of the learner rests with the teacher – they are the trained professional – yet all we hear is this family this and that child that – BLAME!! Or – it’s not my responsibility, I’m just the teacher, it’s the parents – DENIAL!!

I also said to all of my learners – all I ask of you is COMMITTMENT – the course is hard and it will demand everything from you and at times I will be the only one who believes you can get through BUT stay COMMITTED and I GUARANTEE your success!! And they gained their Qualifications and they are out here still – Teacher Aides, Teachers and Principals. I MADE THEM BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES!!


So it was inevitable that I would run ‘foul of the system’ and for those of you who know Shane – will agree he had spent his whole life running ‘foul of the system’. He’s Dyslexic – an EDUCTIONAL FAILURE – or is he? – Is he not the one who can see = I SEE YOU!

So do you look or do you hide from the light? The results speak for themselves – many have come and gone – too scared BUT those who have the courage to stay in the light and SEE and like the ‘Matrix’ I have awakened and KNOW the TRUTH!!

So NZQA came after me and being an AGENT of the Government – they found fault where there was none and listened to uninformed people and OPINION.

Then I became involved in property development and I was successful at it – as I am in most things I turn my hand to. I decided because of my business skills to help others be successful so I partnered up with people and set up companies together with them on a 50/50 share basis BUT some people became GREEDY – Barry Peneleum with whom I formed a company called BARREA Group.

In 2006 – a day before Christmas he liquidated the company unbeknownst to me as a Director and holding 50% on the shares which he claimed were in his wife’s name! Who were the Liquidators – MC DONALD VAGUE & CO. Remember them because they have a huge part to play in my future!! We are still fighting this battle in the courts as they FRAUDENTLY try to claim more money.

Then late in 2007, Foundation Securities Ltd whom I had bought property from decided to place a Statutory Demand on my PTE business AFTER the sale and settlement, claiming documents I neither signed nor knew of gave them a right to more money for the property!!!

Now a Statutory Declaration does not has to be served on you just posted – however I never received this and the first I heard was I had to appear in court to defend it.

Not a problem, as a PTE I am annually Audited by an Independent Auditor and had just signed the contracts with the Ministry of Education so I KNEW my company was solid BUT a Judge with no business experience and with input from – you guessed it MC DONALD VAGUE & CO, disregarding the facts as shown by the Independent Auditor and my own appointed Accountant, decided otherwise – those lights shining on me again! STILL I fought hard and spent tens of thousand of dollars far in excess of the $25,000 claimed by Foundation Securities Limited only to have Justice Cooper find against me. MC DONLD VAGUE & CO pocketed over $300,000 from my PTE and no other creditors where paid anything!

$25,000 claimed ......... over $300,000 taken – who’s the THEIF?

Whilst this was happening Dennis Woods the Liquidator for Mc Donald Vague & Co, an ex-policeman, was doing his best to discredit me. He had my phones tapped, I was watched and followed, they came to the premises when I was out of town and took all the documents and records of not only CBA but other company’s operating from the serviced office I was operating from and then claimed I withheld documents. Well Justice Winklemen gave them the opportunity to ask me questions in relation to this in the Court and they didn’t! WHY?

So next I have the Department of Economic Development asking me about my business practices – well with all this happening, you can imagine what this is doing to my character and reputation? So all those 50/50 deals fell way and I’m left as the common denominator and a Liquidator who is acting fraudulently wanting to cover its tracks as fast as it can – after all by now they have stolen over a million dollars.

So unlike a Court – you have only your say on paper against a LIQUIDATOR who is being paid from your earnings, to get to as many people as he can to discredit you always saving their own skins... sound familiar? Guess where the finger was pointed? Me - so I was banned.

Next came the Bankruptcy – it felt like Niagara Falls – everywhere I turned the State was after me - now the IRD claimed I owed $500,000. How I asked could I possibly owe this – I hadn’t even earned that much money? Bang went the hammer and I am now Bankrupt.

Check out the Movie – ‘We’re here to Help’

From here I lost my home of 24 years and even have Murray Melville, who bought it, steal all of my chattels as he claims I lost his tenants for him – I had it rented fully furnished at the time. THEFT!

So now you know the TRUTH – I can still see the TRUTH and I do not regret anything that has happened to me – I continue to fight for the TRUTH for with the TRUTH comes FREEDOM and I am FREE – they can do nothing to me to take that away because it comes from within and the ability to grow through all the challenges life throws my way.

Like in the ‘Shawshank Redemption’ I saw the system cover up the TRUTH for their benefit BUT the TRUTH always set you FREE

Shane has be imprisoned for a crime never committed, charged by the WESTPAC Bank, the Government’s Bank – a Bank that rates poorly amongst the banking public, at a time when all banks, that are only private companies, are being exposed for creating the current worldwide financial crisis, by Judge Epati, renowned form his incompetence and fraud – National Business Review 2009, and if Shane did commit a fraud then what about all the people and lawyers he supposedly committed the crime with – were are their charges?

Where’s the CRIME in helping people and wanting the best from them?

Do you see a familiar pattern here?

So yes I can see and unlike the movie ‘They Live’ I don’t need sunglasses!

So now you have the FACTS and the TRUTH – maybe you can see TOO!